(or profile pics, or banners, or anything else my style would prove useful for..)
nearly all of my music's accompanying artwork is done by me, and i wanna let other ppl get use out of my abilities as well ^_^
i mainly specialize in collage art, bending existing images to my will and creating brand new highly textural compositions out of them >:3
this tends to manifest in one of two ways:
(click any example to expand it)
(you can still click any example to expand it. that has not changed)
~~ here's everything u need to know if u want anything like these for urself!! ~~
- edits of one main base image
- digital collages blending multiple existing images
- pure abstraction, with or without any source images
- any combination of the above in a single piece
- anything else i'm visibly capable of but somehow forgot to mention here??
- works with NSFW source material (artistic nudity should be all good, but i'll only include anything pornographic if there's a deeper meaning intended by doing so. also please be 18+ for any of this THX)
- works with anything hateful, illegal, etc.
- works with heavy gore or any other majorly NSFL source material
- anything else i'm uncomfortable with
- $20 base price
- $10-$30 added for extra complex & layer-heavy pieces (the upper end of this would be like the cover of "Meta", which has somewhere around 70 layers)
- $30 added for access to the project file
- start by sending any necessary info about your request, such as the overall vibe, desired level of complexity, references, or specific assets you want included
- payment will be handled through Stripe, and should be sent after we've agreed on the direction of the piece through 1 or more WIPs
- no hard limit on revisions, but if we really can't seem to arrive at anything, i'll offer a full or partial refund depending on how close to completion it was
- most turnaround times shouldn't be any more than a few days, but i'll let you know if anything comes up
~~ TERMS ~~
- i reserve the right to decline for any reason etc etc every artist says this !
- i also retain the right to display any commissioned art in example galleries such as the one on this page !
~~ USAGE ~~
- plz give proper credit to me with any kind of usage of commissioned art and dont claim it as ur own ^_^
- using a commissioned cover for a purchaseable album is all good, same as if it was a free download ^_^
- commercial usage in more specialized forms (like merchandising) would have to be discussed & agreed upon first >_>
- no usage in anything crypto/NFT-related tho. duh. you are literally on a neocities site of course i would be anti-""web3"" v_v
~~ Sound good ?? U get it ?? ~~
♥ email me at or send a dm request on twitter to get started. awesome images await...... ♥

(more commission categories may become available later as i get more comfortable in this field)